April 19, 2023 | |||||||
Time | Session Name | Description | Speaker(s) | Track | Type | Room # | Day # |
6:00 AM | Virtual Only – OverDrive Stands with Libraries: Access, Advocacy, Always Advancing. (Pre-recorded) | Discover key enhancements and innovative solutions that are helping libraries reach and engage more readers, including Libby updates, new content offerings, ARPA tools in Marketplace, diversity audits and more. | 1/ Kate Connell, Account Executive, OverDrive | Public Libraries | Pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | Virtual / Pre-recorded | 4/19/2023 |
6:00 AM | Virtual Only – Teaching with Unique Collections: Innovation in Liberal Arts Pedagogies | Library instruction at is changing. More and more courses are taught in libraries themselves. Now bibliographic research is less a skill used to understand material taught but the subject itself. These modules focus on unique library holdings. These may be special collections in modules that center the book as a material witness to history, or they may be digital services departments, as students work to gain skills to work with large datasets. Increasingly central to liberal arts education, the library becomes a laboratory for the humanities, giving students the chance to get hands-on, practical experience. | 1/ Hannah Leah Crummé, Head of Special Collections and College Archivist, Watzek Library, Lewis & Clark College; 2/ Ethan Davis, Digital and Data Science Specialist, Watzek Library, Lewis & Clark College; 3/ Zoe Maughan, Vietnamese Portland Project Manager, Special Collections, Watzek Library, Lewis & Clark College; 4) Crystal Willer, Associate Archivist, Lewis & Clark College | Academic Libraries | Pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | Virtual / Pre-recorded | 4/19/2023 |
9:00 AM | Preconference – Book Mending (In-person only) | Learn how to assess a book that needs to be repaired, go over the various vendors that supply book repair items, and provide hands-on time to actually repair a book. Learn what type of supplies to keep on hand and how to use them and different ways you can protect your books as you are processing them to help them last longer. Bring a few books from your library to mend during the session. Participants will also be given a supply kit with basic sample supplies to help them with book repairs. It will be a great time of learning more about an important skill that you can use in your library Cost: $75 / registration required Sponsored by Support Services Division | 1/ Connie Edgar, Materials and Processing/ILL Manager at Corban University | Support Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/19/2023 |
9:00 AM | State Library Board Meeting | All Conference | In-person + OWL | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/19/2023 | ||
9:00 AM | Preconference – Rethinking Dewey. (In-person only) | “It is the way we’ve always done it” – it is a common response to so many questions. It is a response that many of us cringe when we hear it. Yet it is the exact response we give when we ask, why do you use the Dewey Decimal System. It is the way we’ve always done it. And what if there is another way? What if you could make a system that was easily understood by the masses? A system that is equitable and easily browsable? I’m here to say, there is a way, and it isn’t the “way we’ve always done it.” After an presentation at the conference center, attendees of this preconference will provide their own transportation to the Deschutes Public Library to see this work in action. Session organizers will help connect anyone without a car at the conference to carpooling options Cost: $20 / registration required for each session. Sponsored by Technical Services Roundtable (TSRT) | 1/ Emily O’Neal, Technical Services Manager, Deschutes Public Library; 2/ Casey Cheney, Vice President, Automation Services, Backstage Library Works | Technical Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/19/2023 |
12:00 PM | Lunch | Box lunch option available to vendors and conference goers. | All Conference | In-person only | 4/19/2023 | ||
1:00 PM | Preconference – Tribal History/Shared History: Programming and Resources (In person + streaming + recording) | All Oregonians can benefit from understanding the vast diversity of the Oregon Native American experience. K-12 schools statewide are implementing the new Tribal History/Shared History curriculum that offers historically accurate, culturally embedded, contemporary, and place-based curricula developed in partnership with the nine federally recognized tribes in Oregon. How can your programs and materials align with and support this effort? Join your peers to learn how libraries can partner with, better serve, and celebrate Indigenous people and cultures. Topics covered include an overview of the new curriculum and available resources; how to approach culturally responsive collection development for public and school libraries; and how to provide informal education opportunities that support authentic Indigenous voices and welcome all community members to gain a deeper understanding of our shared history. Attendees will also have the opportunity for a sneak preview of the Museum of Natural and Cultural History’s new traveling exhibit, Native Innovation, which will tour Oregon’s libraries beginning later this year. Cost: $30 / Registration required In-person and streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Virtual – Zoom link access available to registrants within session description in Conference app. Sponsored by Children’s Services Division (CSD) and Oregon Association of School Libraries (OASL) | Facilitator: Mia Jackson, University of Oregon, Outreach Coordinator; Speakers: 1/ Cheyanne Heidt, Curriculum Specialist, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde; 2/ Brent Spencer, Indian Education Coordinator, Oregon Department of Education’s Office of Indian Education; 3/Jennifer Belle, Assistant, Oregon Department of Education; 4/ Deana Dartt, Founding Director, Live Oak Counsulting | Children’s Services | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/19/2023 |
2:00 PM | OLA Board Meeting | All Conference | In-person + OWL | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/19/2023 | ||
1:00 PM | Preconference – Rethinking Dewey. (In-person only) | “It is the way we’ve always done it” – it is a common response to so many questions. It is a response that many of us cringe when we hear it. Yet it is the exact response we give when we ask, why do you use the Dewey Decimal System. It is the way we’ve always done it. And what if there is another way? What if you could make a system that was easily understood by the masses? A system that is equitable and easily browsable? I’m here to say, there is a way, and it isn’t the “way we’ve always done it.” After an presentation at the conference center, attendees of this preconference will provide their own transportation to the Deschutes Public Library to see this work in action. Session organizers will help connect anyone without a car at the conference to carpooling options. Cost: $20 / registration required for each session. Sponsored by Technical Services Roundtable (TSRT) | 1/ Emily O’Neal, Technical Services Manager, Deschutes Public Library; 2/ Casey Cheney, Vice President, Automation Services, Backstage Library Works | Technical Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/19/2023 |
6:30 PM | Public Library Division Reception and Expedition Happy Conclusion. (In-person only) | Kick off the conference in the company of your library colleagues! Eat, drink, toast the winner of this year’s Pearl Award, and celebrate the adventurers who took on Expedition Happy, PLD’s 2023 fundraiser. You can even try our signature cocktail, the Expedition Happy Elixir! Each registration includes a drink ticket and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Cost: $10 / must have included in registration Sponsored by Public Library Division (PLD) | Public Libraries | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/19/2023 | |
April 20, 2023 | |||||||
Time | Session Name | Description | Speaker(s) | Track | Type | Room # | Day # |
8:30 AM | Keynote and General Session – Conspirituality: What Conspiracy Theories in the Wellness Industry Can Teach Us About Combating Misinformation. (In-person + streamed live + recorded for later viewing) | Derek Beres is a multi-faceted author & media expert based in Portland, Oregon. He is the Senior Editor at Eco & co-host of the Conspirituality podcast. He is the co-author of Conspirituality: How New Age Conspiracy Theories Became a Public Health Threat (Public Affairs / Random House Canada, June 2023), and is currently writing a book on male body dysmorphia. Derek’s work has been featured in the NY Times, LA Times, Harper’s Bazaar, and Rolling Stone, as well as on Good Morning America, The Daily Show, and PBS Newshour. In-person and streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Virtual – Zoom link access available to registrants within session description in Conference app. | 1/ Derek Beres | All Conference | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade A-B-G-H-I | 4/20/2023 |
10:00 AM | Exhibit Hall Grand Opening | Break time with no conflicts. Do join us in the Exhibitor Hall and visit with our vendors for the OLA 2023 Conference. | Exhibit | 4/20/2023 | |||
11:00 AM | A Conversation About Empathy (In-person only) | A panel of Oregon library leaders will talk about the importance of empathy, including some tips and practices to grow your own empathy. | 1/ Max Robinson, State Library of Oregon; 2/ Star Khan, Driftwood Public Library; 3/ Mayra Corn, Library Operations Manager, Deschutes Public Library; 4/ Catherine Jasper, Library Services Supervisor, Deschutes Public Library System; 5/Ericka Brunson-Rochette, Early Learning Community Librarian, Deschutes Public Library System | Library Management | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/20/2023 |
11:00 AM | Reimagining Service to Tweens: The Hows and Whys of a Young Teen Collection. (In-person only) | When you read a fantastic Grades 5-8 review in School Library Journal, what collection does that book go in to at your library? Several libraries have created Young Teen collections to meet the need of readers stuck in the middle between children’s and Young Adult. Come hear why we are passionate about these new collections from 3 different libraries with 3 different approaches. We will share options and steps so you can create a Young Teen collection at your library. These collections mostly include fiction and graphic novels but also include audiobooks, DVDs, Playaways, and games. | 1/ Barratt Miller, Youth Services Librarian, Oregon City Public Library; 2/ Sandy Carson-FitzGerald, Children’s Librarian, Beaverton City Library; 3/ Victoria Campbell, Community Engagement Manager, Beaverton City Library; 4/Rebecca Mayer, Circulation Supervisor, West Linn Public Library | Teen Services | In-person only | Three Sisters B&C | 4/20/2023 |
11:00 AM | Seeking Immortality: Storytelling Using VR to Preserve Native American Language and Culture. (In-person only) | The Seeking Immortality project is a funded IMLS Native American Enhancement grant between two academic libraries, a school of information, and a Native American tribe. The project goals are to preserve the Northern Cheyenne language and culture and share them through interactive storytelling in virtual reality. The project seeks to immortalize the language and culture of the Northern Cheyenne for future generations to experience and learn from. Our story will include 3D interactive images of the Northern Cheyenne tribe, their modern daily life, and the oral traditions of their past, all within an interactive and educational virtual environment that children and adults of all ages and backgrounds can enjoy. | 1/ Dr. Anthony Chow, Professor and Director, San Jose State University iSchool; 2/ Jon Oakes, Emerging Technology Analyst, San Jose State University King Library; 3/ Samantha Barnthouse, MLIS Candidate/Virtual Reality Intern, San Jose State University iSchool; 4/ Michele Atwater, MLIS Candidate/Virtual Reality Intern, San Jose State University iSchool | Diverse Communities | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/20/2023 |
11:00 AM | Meeting Communities: A Bookmobile Dream. (In-person only) | Hood River County Library has come a long way in the last 11 years after closing in 2009 and reopening in 2010. In the city of Odell, our staff has gone through various outreach efforts and programs. From the trunk of cars, to a library express bus, pop up libraries, to a lending library bus, back to the trunk of our cars, and finally raising funds through our own community and state grants to purchase our very own bookmobile. Now that our bookmobile has arrived we see the difference it’s already making within our community. Take a tour of bookmobile and learn about the steps we have taken to make this dream a reality! | 1/ Yelitza (Yeli) Vargas-Boots, Bilingual Outreach Librarian, Hood River County Library District; 2/ Rachael Fox, Director, Hood River County Library District | Outreach Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/20/2023 |
11:00 AM | Reading for Access and Inclusion (Streaming + recording) | In the US, over 20% of our population has at least one condition that makes reading a printed book difficult or impossible. Whether they have blindness, arthritis, dyslexia, or some other condition, many people would benefit from accessibility technology if librarians knew what is available and how to use it. The IMLS-funded Reading for Access and Inclusion Project developed a training manual so librarians can quickly learn accessibility technology. It covers: Basics of accessibility technology Reading systems Accessibility features from library vendors, e.g., OverDrive, Hoopla, ProQuest and more. In-person and streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Virtual Zoom link access available to registrants within session description in conference app. | 1/ Peyton Stafford | Diverse Communities | Streaming live + recorded for future viewing | Virtual – Zoom | 4/20/2023 |
11:00 AM | Refresh Your Small Business Outreach and Support with Oregon’s Statewide Library Resources. (In-person + pre-recorded) | If your library wants to do more to support small business development and economic growth in your community, the statewide resources provided by the State Library of Oregon can help! Business reference can be daunting but with easy-to-use resources like Gale Business: Insights (with an enhanced new look) and Gale Business: Entrepreneurship, you and business professionals spend less time searching and more time connecting their discoveries to practical applications. Join us to learn how these resources can support your outreach efforts and enhance your impact with your small business community. | 1/ Arlene Weible, Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon; 2/ Stacey Knibloe, Team Lead Training, Gale; 3/ Liisa Sjoblom, Community Librarian, Deschutes Public Library | Adult Services | In-person + pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/20/2023 |
11:00 AM | Collaborating for Summer Success (In-person only) | Oregon libraries maximize summer programming with collaboration, and there is plenty of opportunity to do so! Three libraries will share how they expand summer reading programming possibilities for kids and families in their region by collaborating with other libraries. Sponsored by Children’s Services Division (CSD) | Jackie Mills, Library Director, Mt Angel Abbey Library, 2/ MaryKay Dahlgreen, Director, Lincoln County Library District; 3/ Cecili Longhorn, Director, Stanfield Public Library | Children’s Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/20/2023 |
11:00 AM | Library Services to People Experiencing the Carceral System and Those Reentering. (In-person + streaming + recording) | Does your library prioritize lifelong learning and promoting literacy? If so, then it’s time to bring those initiatives to patrons who are incarcerated. Low literacy is linked to incarceration and recidivism while access to higher education has been shown to reduce recidivism by 43%. Even so, in Oregon only 6% of the prison budget is dedicated to education! Libraries can play a crucial role in increasing equity and dismantling mass incarceration by providing adults and youths in custody access to books, information, literacy programs, and by forming community partnerships that remove barriers for those recently released. Streaming. Recording during streaming for later viewing. | 1/ Enrique Rivera, Outreach Specialist, Multnomah County Library; 2/ Jody Redifer, Program Specialist, Multnomah County Library; 3/ Trevor Walraven, Prison Outreach Coordinator, Oregon Justice Resource Center; 4/Emilie Junge, Expungement Attorney, PCC CLEAR Clinic | Diverse Communities | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/20/2023 |
12:30 PM | Lunch and OLA Annual Business Meeting. (In-person only) | All Conference | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade A-B-G-H-I-J | 4/20/2023 | ||
2:15 PM | Reframing Failure: How to Keep Calm and Carry On. (In-person only) | This session for library programmers is about reframing how we look at “failures” and how we as staff can learn from our “mistakes,” give ourselves grace, and create a more realistic understanding of what it means to lead programs in libraries. | 1/ Caitlin McMahan, Teen Librarian, Eugene Public Library | Programming and Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/20/2023 |
2:15 PM | Roots Up Community Engagement with Seed Libraries and Library Gardens (In-person + pre-recorded) | Learn how to build a robust seed library on a small budget. A seed library can build food security in your region, increase access to produce, and expand library program offerings. Ours started with a few donated seeds in a plastic tub. Now, our seed library has 500 varieties and a digital inventory. We’ve created a library garden that provides programming opportunities as well as produce for our community. We’ve distributed thousands of seeds, many pounds of produce, and forged strong new partnerships in the local food community. Join us to learn how you can rejuvenate gardening in your community! | 1/ Susan Cackler, Library Supervisor/Programs Coordinator, Banks Public Library; 2/ Lisa Power, Library Assistant 2, Banks Public Library | Programming and Services | In-person + pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/20/2023 |
2:15 PM | Words Matter – Rethinking LCSH. (In-person) | Language matters, words matter, phrases and terms all matter! I am here to discuss changes you can make within your bibliographic data to add more inclusive language for your customers. This session will go through the process for choosing new terms, as well as the partnership with Backstage Library Works to enact the change. This session goes into detail the collaboration between the library and their partner vendor, Backstage and how you can enact significant change to make your catalogs more inclusive Sponsored by Technical Services Roundtable | 1/ Emily O’Neal, Technical Services Manager, Deschutes Public Library; 2/ Casey Cheney, Vice President of Automation Services, Backstage | Technical Services | In-person only | Three Sisters B&C | 4/20/2023 |
2:15 PM | Storytelling & The Decolonization of Academic Research Libraries. (In-person + streaming + recording) | The Dean of the Kraemer Family Library (KFL) and the inaugural Storytelling professor will discuss their innovative efforts to decolonize and diversify their programs, collections, and information overall, through the art of storytelling and the digital exhibitions and corresponding story maps. The founding of this novel program will be discussed which includes the endowment of a storytelling professor, storytelling contests, events, and the digital curation and celebration of all KFL created content, as well as the emphasis on centering the narratives and lived experiences of their diverse community through storytelling. Streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Zoom link available to registrants from conference app session description. | 1/ Seth Porter, Dean of the Kraemer Family Library, University of Colorado; 2/ Dr. ‘Ilaheva Tua’one, Assistant Professor of Native American and Indigenous Studies/Women’s and Ethnic Studies Program/Kraemer Family Library Endowed Storytelling Professor, University of Colorado | Academic Libraries | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/20/2023 |
2:15 PM | BIPOC Staff in Conversation | Join other BIPOC staff in an open-ended conversation about the questions and topics that interest you most. Volunteer facilitators will present some starter questions to spark discussion. | Diverse Communities | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/20/2023 | ||
2:15 PM | Reimagining Library Services. (In-person only) | Five public libraries will present 25 ideas (and some extras!) to help inspire attendees to think about new and different ways to provide library service. While the ideas can be replicated, the intent is to help spark the imagination and creative process. The presentation will include ideas that cover the following categories: improving staff morale, breaking down barriers, exploring unique partnerships, making invisible changes, and the value of taking risk (which sometimes means finding failure). Ideas from the audience will be captured passively in an “idea jar” during the program and shared at the end of the panel presentation. | 1/ Ashlee Chavez, Director, Corvallis-Benton County Public Library; 2/ Hillary Ostlund, Library Director, Hillsboro Public Library; 3/ Kari May, Library Director, Jackson County Libraries; 4/ Will O’Hearn, Director of Library Services, Eugene Public Library; 5/ Kim Carroll, City Librarian, Salem Public Library | Library Management | In-person only | Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/20/2023 |
2:15 PM | Library Programs with Museums. (In-person only) | Looking for a fun, easy program to offer kids, teens and families? Try working with a museum or outdoor educator! Learn more about what is currently being offered around the state. Each participating organization will have a hands-on activity you can learn during the session and take back to your library. Participating organizations include the University of Oregon’s Museum of Natural History and Culture, Discover Your Forest (non-profit arm of Forest Service), and more. Sponsored by Public Library Division (PLD) | 1/ Jennifer Knight, Youth Services Librarian, Coos Bay Public Library; 2/ Mia Jackson, Outreach Coordinator, University of Oregon; 3/ Molly Wilmoth, Bonnie & Oliver Steele III Curator of Education, High Desert Museum; 4/ Katie Pearson, Education & Programs Manager, Oregon Historical Society; 5/ Terra Kempere, Oregon State Parks; 6/ Madeline McGraw, Curator of Collections & Exhibits, Springfield History Museum; 7/ Mindy Linger, Community Engagement Specialist, Springfield Public Library & History Museum; 8/ Finn Smith, Public Porgrams and Outreach Manager, ScienceWorks; 9/ Jennifer Fischer, Children’s Services Librarian Specialist, Crook County Library | Children’s Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/20/2023 |
3:30 PM | Break – No conflict time | It is encouraged during these times, if you have not visited the Exhibit Hall to visit with vendors, check out OLA Unit tables and posters that may be available, now is the chance to do so | All Conference | In-person only | Exhibit Hall | 4/20/2023 | |
4:00 PM | What We’ve Kept: Share and Learn What Pandemic-Driven Mods are So Great We Decided to Keep Them! | Out of the pandemic chaos we launched new library services and staffing options that are proving to have staying power! The new staff skills and community needs that evolved from a couple of unique years opened us up to some interesting future possibilities. The North Plains Public Library is hosting a participative session to share “what we’ve kept” and hear the same from other libraries. (per Robin’s agreement, she will be revising session description) | 1/ Robin Doughty, Library Director, City of North Plains; 2/ Brianna Sowinski, Librarian, City of North Plains; 3/ Christina Lee, Library Assistant, City of North Plains; 4/ Bakul Godbole, Library Assistant, City of North Plains | Programming and Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/20/2023 |
4:00 PM | Queer Lit for Tweens to Adults. (In-person only) | Materials portraying queerness across a wide spectrum of everyday life are crucial to truly represent all of our community members. Panelists will share booktalks highlighting recent LGBTQIA+ representing books for tween, teen, and adult readers. | 1/ Alyssa Cokinis, Senior Library Assistant, Salem Public Library; 2/ April Younglove, Adult Services Librarian, Lake Oswego Public Library; 3/ Le Button, Collection Development Librarian, Deschutes Public Library; 4/ Annie Greenewood-Sprague, Adult Services Librarian, Tigard Public Library | Diverse Communities | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/20/2023 |
4:00 PM | The ABCs of Streaming Media in Instruction: Faculty Needs and Library Support (In-person only) | In 2022, Carly Lamphere and Elsa Loftis from the Portland State University Library took part in the largest national study to date regarding streaming media in the academic library through Ithaka S+R. They met with Film Studies and Social Work faculty and conducted one-on-one interviews to explore how faculty use streaming media as part of their pedagogy, and how well the library is supporting them. Carly and Elsa will discuss what came out of those conversations in the context of the broader national study, and what we’re doing locally to address faculty and student needs for streaming media. | 1/ Elsa Loftis, Humanities and Acquisitions Librarian, Portland State University Library; 2/ Carly Lamphere, Science Librarian, Reed College | Academic Libraries | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/20/2023 |
4:00 PM | Career Advancement by Staying Put (In-person + streaming + recording) | Have you realized that no matter how many vacations you take, you cannot bring back the enthusiasm you used to feel for your job? Instead of burnout, is it possible that you have put ambition over wellbeing? Or do you feel pressure to advance when you love what you are doing now? Join a recovering administrator as she uses her own life to explore the larger idea of advancement as the measurement of success in life and career. In a society where success equals worth, it is time to change the narrative around career advancement. Streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Zoom link available to registrants from conference app session description. | 1/ Laurin Arnold, Collection Development Manager, Josephine County Library System | Library Management | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/20/2023 |
4:00 PM | Reimagining Job and Small Business Services for the New Normal: From Pandemic Chaos to Bright Futures. (In-person only) | In October 2020, Multnomah County Library created a Workforce Development team as a response to increased unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Two years later, we have a thriving service that seeks to provide culturally specific, multigenerational, holistic, accessible, and trauma-informed services to job seekers and entrepreneurs. Come learn how we developed these services, formed community partnerships and reacted and responded to an ever-changing world to create meaningful and impactful Job and Small Business Program/Department. | 1/ Lori Moore, Workforce Development Librarian, Multnomah County Library; 2/ Tara Nash, Small Business & Entreprensurship Librarian, Multnomah County Library; 3/ Enrique Rivera, Bilingual Community Outreach Specialist, Multnomah County Library + community partners? | Outreach Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/20/2023 |
4:00 PM | Mental Health Matters: Brainstorming Library Mental Health Services for All Ages (In-person only) | Join us for a facilitated discussion around mental health advocacy in the library! We’ll discuss and share ideas on incorporating mental health concepts into programming for all ages, providing equitable mental health services at the library, and designing library spaces through a mental health lens. | TBD | Programming and Services | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/20/2023 |
4:00 PM | Northwest Digital Heritage: Exploring & Celebrating Partnerships. (In-person only) | Northwest Digital Heritage is a unique, cross-state, inter-agency partnership that is helping bring digital heritage collections from Oregon & Washington libraries and museums to a wider audience. Learn about the program’s current successes and future goals and how Oregon libraries can explore partnerships around digital collections with museums and other heritage organizations in their own communities. | 1/ Ross Fuqua, Data & Digital Project Consultant, State Library of Oregon; 2/ Katie Henry, Commission Coordinator, Oregon Heritage Comission | Public Libraries | In-person only | Three Sisters B&C | 4/20/2023 |
5:15 PM | All Conference Reception (In-person only) | Come unwind and chat with colleagues or meet new friends at the All Conference Reception. Many of our exhibitors will also be available. Enjoy conversation, beverages and snacks as we rekindle, rejuvenate and reimagine where we are going the coming year or years. | All Conference | In-person only | Exhibit Hall | 4/20/2023 | |
6:00 PM | OYAN Hangout and Awards | Library workers with an interest in service to teens are invited to gather at the Deschutes Junction Pizza Grill & Taphouse (2940 N Hwy 97 in Bend)! Network with members of the Oregon Young Adult Network and be the first to congratulate the 2023 winner of OYAN’s You’re Awesome Award, which will be announced at 6:30 p.m. | OLA Meet Ups | In-person only | Offsite | 4/20/2023 | |
7:00 PM | Virtual Bingo with Poison Waters (Streaming live only) | Poison Waters is not just a personality. Poison is an experience!! Whether dressed as Poison Waters or her alter ego Kevin Cook, they are both captivating and one of a kind! For over three decades Poison has been having tons of FUN entertaining from countless stages throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond. She has been coordinating, participating in and hosting an endless docket of benefits, revues and shows for various local, regional and national charities. During the Covid 19 global pandemic, Poison went virtual, bringing her Drag Queen Bingo, Drag Queen Storytime and event hosting to thousands of new fans all over the world. Whatever the title, event, cause or venue, one thing remains the same: the important bond between Poison Waters and her audience. She remains, “the smile on the face of Portland.” www.poisonwaters.com Live Streaming only. Virtual – Zoom link available to registrants within session description in Conference App. | Fun Activities & Entertainment | Streaming live only | Virtual – Zoom Access link available to registrants within session description of Conference app. | 4/20/2023 | |
April 21, 2023 | |||||||
Time | Session Name | Description | Speaker(s) | Track | Type | Room # | Day # |
7:00 AM | SSD Breakfast (In-person) | Join other Support Services Division members for a casual, no-host hangout at the McKay Cottage Restaurant, 62910 O. B. Riley Rd #340. | OLA Meet Ups | In-person only | Offsite | 4/21/2023 | |
7:00 AM | Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award Breakfast (In-person only) | Join us for the announcement of the Evelyn Sibley Lampman Award winner. The award was established in 1982 to honor a living Oregon author, librarian, or educator who has made a significan contribution to Oregon in the fields of children’s literature and library services. | Children’s Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade A | 4/21/2023 | |
7:30 AM | International Relations Roundtable (IRRT) Business Meeting | Unit Business Meeting | OLA Meet Ups | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/21/2023 | |
7:30 AM | Technical Services Round Table Business Meeting | Unit Business Meeting | OLA Meet Ups | in-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/21/2023 | |
8:45 AM | Feed Them and They Will Come? Reaching Teens in Small and Rural Communities (In-person only) | Join us for a facilitated discussion around rural teen library services! We’ll be brainstorming what works and what doesn’t when it comes to providing teen services at small and rural libraries. What programs have done well (and which ones have flopped)? What works when it comes to outreach and marketing? Get ready to share your ideas and experiences, because chances are you are not the only librarian wanting to compare notes. Sponosred by Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) | 1/ Katie Fischer, Teen Services Librarian, Crook County Library; 2/ Stephanie Rubel, Library Assistant, Stayton Public Library; 3/ Aurora Ropp, Youth Services Librarian, Roseburg Public Library; 4/ Stephanie Partida, Library Director, Athena Public Library | Teen Services | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/21/2023 |
8:45 AM | Summer Reading: What Is It Good For? (In-person + streaming + recording) | This is the spot if you’re wondering any of the following: Why do we do summer reading? How does summer impact kids, teens, and families in our state? How does my library fit into the bigger picture of summer for Oregon families? What’s our vision for summer in our community? Are we accomplishing what we want to? Join a panel of Summer Reading experts to learn more. Streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Virtual – Zoom link available to registrants through Conference app session description. Sponosred by Children’s Services Division (CSD) and Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) | 1/ Greta Berquist, Youth Services Consultant, State Library of Oregon; 2/ Dena Chaffin, Youth Librarian, Silver Falls Library District; 3/ Lisa Elliott, Young Adult Librarian, Tigard Public Library, 4/ Monica McQueen, Entrepreneur Project Director, Oregon Ask | Children’s Services | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/21/2023 |
8:45 AM | Light Movement and Breathing with Derek Beres (In-person Only) | After delivering the keynote address on Thursday on disinformation and media literacy in wellness spaces, Derek Beres returns for a Friday morning session to offer the beneficial sides of wellness by leading a light movement and breathing session. With decades of experience as a yoga and group fitness instructor, he’ll lead everyone through a series of gentle stretches, grounded movements, and breathing exercises to prepare everyone for the sessions ahead. | Derek Beres | Fun Activities & Entertainment | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/21/2023 |
8:45 AM | The Weird and Wonderful World of Circulating Unusual Library Materials (In-person + pre-recorded) | Camping gear, bear canisters, musical instruments, craft kits, projectors, tools, and so many more non-traditional library materials are all popular at the small Port Townsend Public Library. Learn how to get started with building, storing and maintaining your own unusual library materials collection. This session will share what we’ve learned over the last five years, plus look at what other libraries are doing in our region with this growing trend. | 1/ Keith Darrock, Public and Technical Services Manager, Port Townsend Public Library | Programming and Services | In-person + pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/21/2023 |
8:45 AM | Fostering Readers: Research-Based Literacy Activities for K-3rd Graders. (In-person only) | Explore research-based strategies for supporting K-3rd graders who are learning how to read and get ideas for starting your own literacy program. Learn from one of the creators of the Fostering Readers resources, a librarian who used the resources to implement a virtual literacy program during the pandemic and continued with in person programming with the children and their families, and a librarian partnering with an elementary school to implement Camp Big Read—an in-person summer program for struggling readers based on Fostering Readers. Prepare to participate! Sponsored by Children’s Services Division (CSD) | 1/ Susan Cackler, Library Supervisor & Programs Coordinator, Banks Public Library; 2/ Holly Campbell-Polivka, Youth Services Librarian, Tigard Public Library; 3/ Katie Anderson, Youth Services Librarian, Hillsboro Public Library | Children’s Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/21/2023 |
8:45 AM | Rekindling International Opportunities During Challenging Times. (In-person only) | Explore international opportunities for librarians as a way to share your knowledge and expertise while learning about library practices in another culture. The International Relations Round Table will present a panel discussion of current and future international exchange possibilities. Attendees will hear about the Horner Library Staff Exchange Program with Fujian Province, China; Libros for Oregon (Spanish book buying program at the Guadalajara International Book Fair); working abroad as a librarian; and conducting research/working for an American university in a country outside the US. | 1/ Laura Kimberly, Director, Newport Public Library; 2/ Le Yang, Associate Vice Provost & University Librarian for Collections and Discovery Services Associate Librarian, University of Oregon; 3/ Lara Phillips, Community Information Librarian, Multnomah County Library ; 4/ Brandon Barnett, Multnomah County Library; 5/ Veronica Vichit-Vadakan, Faculty Librarian, | Academic Libraries | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/21/2023 |
8:45 AM | Are You Laying Bricks or Building a Cathderal? (In-person only) | The story of the three bricklayers at a cathedral is an analogy that tells of big picture thinking, a positive attitude, and a clear sense of how each person fits into the greater mission. Learn how the McMinnville Public Library used creative visioning and telescoping tools to involve all 22 members of the staff in creating and delivering the library strategic plan, thereby improving volunteer engagement, safety, organization, and library marketing. Staff members collaborate across work groups and understand how each role contributes to “building the cathedral.” | 1/ Jenny Berg, Library Director, McMinnville Public Library; 2/ Kimbre Hanson-Rodriguez, Children’s Services Supervisor, McMinnville Public Library; 3/ Samantha Geary, Mcminnville Public Library | Library Management | In-person only | Three Sisters B&C | 4/21/2023 |
10:00 AM | Break – No conflict time | It is encouraged during these times, if you have not visited the Exhibit Hall to visit with vendors, check out OLA Unit tables and posters that may be available, now is the chance to do so. | All Conference | In-person only | Exhibit Hall | 4/21/2023 | |
11:00 AM | Reimagine Leadership While Managing Staffing Challenges. (In-person only) | Join us for a brief presentation and moderated panel discussion with Library Management and staff. The panel will discuss the current labor market and the impact on library operations. Panelists will share personal perspectives, strategies and evidence to navigate staffing and operational challenges that contribute to staff engagement and retention. | 1/ Heidi Powers, Library Supervisor, Deschutes Public Library; 2/ Cathy Zgraggen, Library Supervisor, Deschutes Public Library; 3/ Zoe Schumacher, Library Supervisor, Deschutes Public Library; 4/ Mayra Corn, Library Operations Manager, Deschutes Public Library | Library Management | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/21/2023 |
11:00 AM | Using Social Media Data to Inform Decision-Making Processes. (In-person only) | This session is for those who want to take their social media presence a step further. Information covered will include the how-to of pulling data from major social media platforms, learning what it means, analyzing it, and using the analysis to inform decisions in future content and in library projects. We’ll discuss what kind of data staff might want to pull and what they might want to leave out. | 1/ Sadie Verville, Communications Analyst, State Library of Oregon | Library Management | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/21/2023 |
11:00 AM | Next Level Storytime (In-person + pre-recorded) | You are an experienced storytime presenter who loves talking with families about literacy tips and tricks. You enjoy finding just the right picture book for that social-emotional learning need. If necessary, you could create a storytime at the very last minute. This session is for you if you are looking to level up with new ideas, you want to be intentional about incorporating early literacy best practices into your programming, you have been doing storytime for at least three years, or you need a crash course surrounded by a wealth of experience because you need to get to this level NOW! There will be plenty of opportunities to share and learn together, so be ready to dive in! | 1/ Monica Hoffman, Early Literacy Program Manager, Umatilla County Special Library District | Children’s Services | In person + has agreed to pre-record for the virtual conference | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/21/2023 |
11:00 AM | Advocacy Made Easy: OLA’s 2023 Legislative Agenda and What You Can Do to Help! (In-person + pre-recorded) | We all know that advocacy for strong libraries is important, but it can be hard to know where to start or how to take action. Join OLA’s Lobbyist, Tess Milio, and members of OLA’s Legislative Committee to learn more about current OLA efforts to strengthen libraries during the 2023 Oregon Legislative Session. We will also lead you through some easy, practical steps for taking action during the conference! Sponsored by OLA Development and Legislative Committee (LDLC) | 1/ Tess Milio, Milio Capitol Consulting; 2/ Kim Olson-Charles, Library Development and Legislative Committee Co-Chair; 3/ Jeremy Skinner, Library Development and Legistlative Committee Co-Chair; | Library Supporters | In-person + pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/21/2023 |
11:00 AM | How I Learned to Love Legal Reference and You Can Too. (In-person + pre-recorded) | Legal questions strike fear into the hearts of most library staff, but it doesn’t have to be that way. After years working in public libraries, the presenters shifted almost overnight to law librarianship. Our previous work prepared left us ill-prepared for legal research. We’ve discovered, though, that we don’t need to do legal research for people, we need to do legal reference. Come learn the difference between the two and leave empowered with a new ability to help your patrons along with key resources and tips to answer questions, defuse tense interactions and find people the help they need. Sponsored by Legal Reference Roundtable (LRRT) | 1/ Jenny Pedersen, Community Librarian, Deschutes Public Library; 2/ Brittany Young, Law Librarian, Lane County Law Library | Outreach Services | In-person + pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | Three Sisters B&C | 4/21/2023 |
11:00 AM | Attack of the Pod People: A Crash Course in Podcasting. (In-person + streaming + recording) | There’s a reason podcasts have become so popular. They’re accessible, entertaining, educational, and a surprising way to build communities of people over long distances. Should your library have its own podcast? Join the hosts of Toledo Public Library’s The Free Bin and Coos Bay Public Library’s Swords and Starships as they tell the origin stories of their podcasts, discuss the practicalities of recording and publishing episodes, and share lessons learned to guide your journey into the podcasting world. There will be plenty of room for Q&A and discussion because this presentation will be recorded and published as a very special episode! Streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Virtual – Zoom Link: Available by registrantions from Conference app in session description. | 1/ Brittney Buxton, Programming Librarian, Coos Bay Public Library; 2/ Joshua Whitty, Library Assistant, Coos Bay Public Library; 3/ Harrison Baker, Assistant Director/Operations Manager, Toledo Public LIbrary | Programming and Services | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/21/2023 |
11:00 AM | Stark Raving OYAN: Books Talks for the 2023 Book Rave and 2022 Graphic Rave. (In-person only) | Oregon Young Adult Network members deliver snappy, exciting booktalks that highlight some of the best recent young adult fiction, non-fiction, and graphic novels, as chosen by Oregon librarians working with teens. This session highlights why you might want to buy and suggest these books to teens and adults who read YA and also read them yourself! Ravers top things off by revealing a super-secret list of “Ravers Choice” recommendations of ultra-current and not-yet-published titles worth watching for. Links to PDFs of the lists are provided so they can be passed on to patrons. Sponsored by Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) | 1/ Lisa Elliott, Teen Librarian, Tigard Public Library; 2/ Katie Patterson, Youth Librarian, Multnomah County Library 3/ Sonja Somerville, Teen Librarian, Salem Public Library | Teen Services | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/21/2023 |
12:30 PM | Awards Lunch (in-person + streamed + recorded) | Zoom link for access available to registrants within session description in Conference app. | All Conference | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade A-B-G-H-I-J | 4/21/2023 | |
2:00 PM | Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Leading with Radical Acceptance. (In-person only) | Everyone has feelings of falling short. It doesn’t take much – hearing of someone else’s accomplishments, being criticized, getting into an argument, making a mistake – to make us feel that we are not okay. Radical Acceptance involves recognizing situations that are outside of our control and accepting our strengths and weaknesses with compassion. Radical Acceptance doesn’t mean that we are non-reactive to challenges. Instead, we can use that acceptance to overcome challenges and become more self-aware. This session will teach how to radically accept what comes in our lives so we can overcome our feelings of inadequacy. | 1/ Patrick Bodily, Director, Independence Public Library | Library Management | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/21/2023 |
2:00 PM | Telling Your Story with Data (and Not Accidentally Lying). [In-person + streaming + recording) | Libraries generate an incredible amount of data around collections, services, and patrons, but what do we do with all these data? This presentation covers examples of how to leverage data and visualization tools to inform decision making and measure success. It also highlights some easy to make data missteps. In-person and streaming. Recording during session for later viewing. Virtual – Zoom link available to registration from Conference App session description. | 1/ Jessica Gagnon, Library Analyst, Hillsboro Public Library | Library Management | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/21/2023 |
2:00 PM | Great Teen Advisory Groups: See How They Run. (In-person only) | Teens with a heart for service can be a tremendous asset to your library. Whether you call it a Teen Advisory Board or Teen Action Group or by another name, allowing teens to have a voice, develop their skills, and actively support your library is valuable to you and to them. Come gather ideas for how to form a teen group or perk up an existing program. We’ll share stories and best practices from a variety of libraries and send you back to your library ready to harness the energy of enthusiastic teens Sponsored by Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) | 1/ Sonja Somerville, Teen Librarian, Salem Public Library; 2/ Mark Richardson, Librarian, Cedar Mill Public Library; 3/ Vanessa Clausing, Librarian, Newport Public Library | Teen Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/21/2023 |
2:00 PM | What’s the Program Plan? (In-person) | Whether you’re returning from a programming break, starting work at a new library, or expanding your services, it’s always great to have a plan! We’ll explore some simple tools for assessing current services, identifying how you do and don’t serve different populations, and creating dynamic programming without overdoing it. This is about being intentional, not being burned out! Come ready to plan, think, and collaborate so you can leave with a plan to put into practice. | 1/ Anna Bruce, Youth Services Lead Librarian, Happy Valley Library | Programming and Services | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/21/2023 |
2:00 PM | Virtual Reality in the Academic Library. (In-person only) | Eastern Oregon University launched its virtual reality studio in 2022 thanks to an ARPA grant administered by the State Library of Oregon. Virtual reality, or VR, simulates experiences with the aid of technology, most commonly specialized headsets. The project began with an Anatomy and Physiology course in which students investigated the inner workings of human organs and systems in VR as a lab assignment. It has grown to include collaborations with History, Health and Human Performance, and other campus departments. This session will include demonstrations and advice on getting started with VR in the library, from headset acquisition to circulation. | 1/ Sarah Ralston, Associate Professor/Instruction Librarian, Easter Oregon University; 2/ Mariah Manners, Visiting Instruction Librarian, Eastern Oregon University | Academic Libraries | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/21/2023 |
2:00 PM | Death, Aging, and Talking About the Taboo. (In-person only) | Demographics are shifting creating an increased need for services for older adults. To serve the interests of our aging population, Beaverton City Library and Forest Grove City Library partnered with Washington County Disability, Aging and Veteran Services to provide unique community-building programs using a World Café model. One example is Death Café, which is a group-directed discussion on the philosophical and practical aspects of death and dying. This presentation will provide a blueprint for café model programming, which is scaleable for different sizes of library. | 1/ Beth Gilbert, Librarian, Beaverton City Library; 2/ Robert Abbey, Librarian, Forest Grove City Library; 3/ Kera Magarill, Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist, Washington County Disability, Aging and Veterans Services | Adult Services | In-person only | Three Sisters B&C | 4/21/2023 |
2:00 PM | Oregon Youth Author Fair: Part 1. (In-person only) | Meet Oregon authors who write for children and teens! Authors and illustrators from across the state will be featured in this open house, author-fair style program that gives you a chance to talk directly with authors, get books signed, and learn more about what is happening locally with children and young adult literature. Individual authors may have books available for purchase. Sponsored by Children’s Services Division (CSD) | TBD | Children’s Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/21/2023 |
2:00 PM | So You Wanna Advocate for Yourself? | In a candid, but humorous, conversation, Trezlen Drake (Yale Law School Library) spoke with Leslie Bleichner (Grinnell College) on what it means to advocate for yourself, what that can look like, and some ways to navigate difficult conversations and situations in the workplace. Join us after we view the recorded program together for a LIVE Q&A with Trezlen Drake herself from 2:45-3:15 p.m.! She will be here to answer your advocacy questions in real-time. Streaming of recorded video with live Q&A at 2:45 pm. Zoom link access available to registrants within session description in conference app. | 1/ Trezlen Drake, Head of Digital Resources and Research Librarian, Yale Law School/ 2/ Brittany Young, Law County Law Librarian, Lane County Law Librarian | Library Management | Pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference + Live streamed Q&A | Q&A Live 2:45 – 3:15 pm | 4/21/2023 |
3:15 PM | Exhibits, Poster Sessions & Break (no conflict) | All Conference | Exhibit Hall | 4/21/2023 | |||
3:45 PM | Empower your inner activist, empower your patrons – strategies for civic activism and engagement! (Streaming live only) | This workshop will inform you about why and how our country has overcome difficult times, identify key knowledge and strategies utilized to make change now, and provide a toolkit from which you can build your own – and help build your patrons’ – route to more civic involvement. There is an epidemic of not understanding about our civic/political processes and how to influence them. Let’s change that! If you would like a say in those decisions that affect your life and/or would like to help your patrons have a say – this is the workshop for you! Streaming only. Zoom Link Access available to registrants within session description in Conference app. Sponsored by Support Staff Services (SSD) | 1/ Donna L. Cohen | Support Services | Streaming live only | Virtual – Zoom | 4/21/2023 |
3:45 PM | Oregon Youth Author Fair: Part 2. (In-person only) | Meet Oregon authors who write for children and teens! Authors and illustrators from across the state will be featured in this open house, author-fair style program that gives you a chance to talk directly with authors, get books signed, and learn more about what is happening locally with children and young adult literature. Individual authors may have books available for purchase. Sponsored by Children’s Services Division (CSD) | TBD | Children’s Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/21/2023 |
3:45 PM | Librarians in Leadership: Beyond the Walls of the Library. (In-person only) | In this panel presentation, you will hear from library staff who have taken on leadership roles in their communities. From leading city initiatives to deliberating with transportation officials; from developing plans to alleviate homelessness to becoming a City Manager, librarians bring a holistic view to problem solving, which makes them valuable leaders in many aspects of local government. Find out how your library colleagues have become involved in initiatives that have improved quality of life for community members, brought positive attention to the library and staff, and encouraged positive action in civic life. | 1/ Jenny Berg, Library Director, McMinnville Public Library; 2/ Hillary Ostlund, Library Director, Hillsboro Public Library; 3/ Abigail Elder, City Manager, City of Hood River | Library Management | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/21/2023 |
3:45 PM | Special Libraries Staff in Conversation | /1 Buzzy Neilsen, Program Manager, Library Support & Development, State Library of Oregon | Special Libraries | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/21/2023 | |
3:45 PM | A Book for Every Person: Presenting Your Collection to Improve Patron Engagement. (In-person + streaming + recording) | Libraries want to connect patrons with the materials they need and be responsible stewards of their collections. This presentation will focus on how libraries can apply proven practices from the retail merchandising profession to create a clean, neat and easy to browse library collection that works for staff and patrons. Techniques for determining the best location for collections, how and where to do displays, and how to develop effective staff training materials will be addressed. In-person and streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Virtual – Zoom link access available to registrants within session description in Conference app. | 1/ Brian Ball, Library Clerk, West Slope Library | Public Libraries | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/21/2023 |
3:45 PM | Academic Library Staff in Conversation | Join other staff from academic libraries in an open-ended conversation about the questions and topics that interest you most. Volunteer facilitators will present some starter questions to spark discussion. | Academic Libraries | In-person only | Three Sisters B&C | 4/21/2023 | |
3:45 PM | “Oh, No, We Went Viral”: Surviving Attention from Right-Wing Twitter (In-person + pre-recorded) | In 2022, a nightmare came true when Driftwood Public Library was targeted by Libs of TikTok and lived to tell the tale. Come hear our story, learn more about right-wing social media, and find out how DPL weathered the storm. Sponsored by EDI Anti-Racism Committee | 1/ Kirsten Brodbeck-Kenney, Director, Driftwood Public Library; 2/ Elaine Harger | Diverse Communities | In-person + pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/21/2023 |
3:45 PM | 3D Printing in Your Library (In-person only) | Are you curious about 3D printing? We will be discussing the ins and outs of having a 3D printer in your library. This includes a look at policies your library should consider having, the cost of a 3D printer and all the supplies, whether to share costs with patrons, and what kinds of software are more effective. Sponsored by Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) | 1/ Vanessa Clausing, Librarian, Newport Public Library; 2/ Stephanie Partida, Library Director, Athena Public Library; 3/ Heather Spry, Circulation & Operations Supervisor, Baker County Library District | Programming and Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/21/2023 |
8:00 PM | President’s Reception (In-person only) | Join us for an evening of socializing, networking and fun! This is a great opportunity to unwind and get to know(in person!) your colleagues from around the State. Emceed by the fabulous Poison Waters, this rainbow-themed fiesta will feature music from proms throughout the years, a raffle, a no-host bar, and delicious snacks. We hope to see you there! | 1/ Poison Waters, Emcee | Fun Activities & Entertainment | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade A | 4/21/2023 |
April 22, 2023 | |||||||
Time | Session Name | Description | Speaker(s) | Track | Type | Room # | Day # |
8:45 AM | Workforce Development: Teen Internships at Your Library (In-person + streaming + recording) | Why should your library host a teen intern? Your community sees you as integral to workforce development and student success. Your staff build new skills as they lead, supervise, and support your intern. You are critically important in the life of an individual who will become a lifelong library ambassador. Your library gains new audiences excited to be part of the library community. You’ll leave understanding how to implement a teen internship that works for your community. This includes funding options, successful outcomes for teens, staff, and community members, and ways to share with local stakeholders. In-person and streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Virtual – Zoom link access available to registrants within session description in Conference app. Sponsored by Oregon Young Adult Network (OYAN) | 1/ Greta Berquist, Youth Services Consultant, State Library of Oregon; 2/ Anna Bruce, Youth Services Librarian, Happy Valley Library; 3/ Lorene Foreman, Librarian, Chetco Community Library; 4) Ruth Headley, Teen Services/Volunteer Coordinator, Newberg Public Library | Library Management | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade F | 4/22/2023 |
8:45 AM | Curating Empathy: School Libraries at the Heart of Diversity and Accurate Representation in Social Studies Classrooms. (In-person only) | As underfunded schools look for ways to support social studies instruction and support classroom efforts to better represent their communities, school libraries are a powerful ally for students, families, staff and teachers. Join two school librarians who have worked closely with social studies teachers, experts and advocates to improve the cultural representation within their libraries and classrooms. Be prepared to engage in interactive lesson ideas as we share best practices and resources with one another. | 1/ Shana Ferguson, Teacher Librarian, Columbia River High School; 2/ Mary-Catherine McElroy, Teacher Librarian, Sacagawea Elementary School | School Libraries | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/22/2023 |
8:45 AM | Public Library Staff in Conversation | Join other staff from public libraries in an open-ended conversation about the questions and topics that interest you most. Volunteer facilitators will present some starter questions to spark discussion. | 1/ Caitlin McMahan, Teen Librarian, Eugene Public Library | Public Libraries | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/22/2023 |
8:45 AM | More Voices, Less Bias: Collaborative Collection Policy Writing. (In-person only) | The collection council at Oregon State University Libraries began the process of updating policies. Instead of picking a couple of people to manage the work, the council invited all library employees to attend weekly collection policy writing meetings and opened draft documents for asynchronous comments. The intent was to increase the number of different voices to reduce silos, increase transparency, and support bias checking. Learn about this rewarding and challenging process that has benefitted from synchronous and asynchronous participation from all our library departments. | 1/ Kerri Goergen-Doll, Resource Acquisitions & Sharing Director, Oregon State University | Library Management | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/22/2023 |
8:45 AM | Rekindle Your Social Media: The Basics, the Benefits, and the Best Ways to Avoid Burnout. (In-person only) | This session is for those who are new to social media or who want to brush up on the basics. It will provide a wide range of knowledge that can easily be applied to any type of library and for staff at any level. Participants will gain an understanding of how to connect with their communities and the importance of doing so online as well as branding practices. The session will also cover the basics of scheduling posts and best practices for avoiding burnout and how to respond to difficult questions or comments. | 1/ Sadie Verville, Communications Analyst, State Library of Oregon | Library Management | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/22/2023 |
8:45 AM | Representation Matters: BIPOC Voices in Kid and Teen Lit. (In-person only) | We aim to represent the entirety of our community in our collections. Materials portraying BIPOC community members in positive, loving, and affirming stories are critically important. These stories offer mirrors and windows for all our readers. Panelists will share booktalks highlighting recent books representing BIPOC voices for kid and teen readers Sponsored by Children’s Services Division (CSD) & Oregon Young Adult Network | 1/ Isy Ibibo, Black Cultural Library Advocate Teen Librarian, Multnomah County Library; 2/ Le Button, Collection Development Librarian, Deschutes Public Library; 3/ Diana Hernandez, Latino Services Librarian, Deschutes Public Library | Diverse Communities | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/22/2023 |
8:45 AM | Reimagine Professional Wellness with Oregon’s Statewide Library Resources. (In-person + pre-recorded) | The statewide resources provided by the State Library of Oregon offer a wealth of content to help your library users and students, but did you know that they can help you too? From growing your skills and knowledge with easy access to library journal articles, learning software tips, or reading up on latest ways to lower stress in the work environment, these resources have you covered. Join us to find ways to improve your professional wellness and pick up some tips for getting the most out of these free tools. | 1/ Arlene Weible, Library Consultant, State Library of Oregon; 2/ Stacey Knibloe, Trainer, Gale | Adult Services | In-person + pre-recorded and available on-demand through the Virtual Conference | Three Sisters B&C | 4/22/2023 |
10:00 AM | Break – No conflict time | It is encouraged during these times, if you have not visited the Exhibit Hall to visit with vendors, check out OLA Unit tables and posters that may be available, now is the chance to do so. | All Conference | In-person only | Exhibit Hall | 4/22/2023 | |
11:00 AM | School Library Staff in Conversation | Join other staff from school libraries in an open-ended conversation about the questions and topics that interest you most. Volunteer facilitators will present some starter questions to spark discussion. | School Libraries | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes South | 4/22/2023 | |
11:00 AM | Library Advocacy: Pushing Through Inertia. (In-person only) | Library Advocacy Student Interns at San Jose State University’s School of Information will highlight some of the special challenges library advocates face and what is being done state-wide and nationally to improve access to libraries, literacy, and school libraries run by librarians. This includes unique approaches to reaching potential supporters, being persistent, creating a nationwide GIS map on various library related datapoints, connecting movers and shakers in the library world through a school library summit, utilizing Alumni contacts, contacting PTAs, Little Free Libraries, and more. | 1/ Linda Dami, SJSU Student Advocacy Intern, Librarian San Diego Public Library, Librarian Chula Vista Public Library; 2/ Dr. Anthony Chow, Director and Professor, SJSU School of Information; 3/ Carlos Bugarin, Student Advocacy Intern, San Jose State University; 4/ Rosa Pena, Student Advocacy Intern, San Jose State University | Library Management | In-person only | The Riverhouse – Deschutes North | 4/22/2023 |
11:00 AM | Drawing It All Together: Activities to Reflect On and Apply Your Conference Experience. (In-person only) | Bring your notes and favorite way to write as we close out the conference together. In this session, you’ll have a chance to reflect on what you learned and your hopes for the future before returning to the hubbub of library life. We’ll have a mix of written, conversational, and creative activities to choose from. | 1/ Lindsay Delaney, Freelance Librarian | Support Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade D | 4/22/2023 |
11:00 AM | Cancelled. What’s New in Narrative Nonfiction? Promoting and Sharing Nonfiction with Children and Teens. | Cancelled | Cancelled | Cancelled | Cancelled | 4/22/2023 | |
11:00 AM | MAC Reads 2021 Becoming an Anti-Racist: One Community’s Journey. (In-person only) | The MAC Reads community reading program is a long-time partnership between Linfield University Libraries, McMinnville Public Library, and Third Street Books store. Over the past years, many organizations have issued statements in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement and condemning racism. The MAC Reads partners decide to take direct action to address racism in our community. MAC Reads 2021 Becoming an Anti-Racist combined books, films, and virtual lectures to engage our community in the proactive work of anti-racism and challenging white supremacy. | 1/ Ginny Norris Blackson, Librarian, Linfield University | Diverse Communities | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade E | 4/22/2023 |
11:00 AM | Library STEM. (In-person only) | Oregon libraries currently incorporate STEM in a variety of ways. Come hear different approaches to STEM from librarians and community partners. | 1/ Greta Berquist, Youth Services Consultant, State Library of Oregon; 2) Jackie Mills, Library Director, Mt Angel Abbey Library, 3) Janee Lensing, Children’s Services Librarian, Curry Public Library, 4) Kathy Street, District Library Director, Oregon Trail Library District | Children’s Services | In-person only | Convention Center – Cascade C | 4/22/2023 |
12:30 PM | Wrap-Up Lunch and Farewell with speaker Andy Mangels. (In-person + streamed + recorded) | Andy Mangels is the USA Today best-selling author and co-author of twenty-six fiction and nonfiction books — including Star Trek, Roswell, Iron Man, X-Files, Star Wars, and Young Adult tomes — and is an award-winning comic book anthology editor. As a pop culture historian, he has also contributed to international magazines and newspapers, and has scripted, directed, and produced over forty DVD documentaries and Special Features projects. In 2012, he was awarded the prestigious Inkpot Award for Achievement in the Comic Arts at Comic-Con International. He has written licensed material based on properties by Lucasfilm, Paramount, New Line Cinema, Universal Studios, Warner Bros., Microsoft, Abrams-Gentile, and Platinum Studios. He was not only the first openly gay mainstream professional in the comic book world, but he was the editor of the award-winning Gay Comics anthology for eight years, and has hosted the Gays In Comics/Out In Comics panel at Comic-Con International since 1988. He is a member of the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers. As a youth, he was more excited to go to the library than Disneyland. In-person and streaming. Recording during presentation for later viewing. Virtual Zoom link available to registrants within the session description of the Conference app. | 1/ Andy Mangels, Author | All Conference | In-person + streamed live + recorded for future viewing | Convention Center – Cascade A-B-G-H-I-J | 4/22/2023 |